Elevator Shaft, Mezzanines, and Stairs

Project Classic and complementary works

Elevator Shaft, Mezzanines, and Stairs

‍Installation Location: Lainate
Status: Completed
Product: Project Classic and complementary works

In the Milanese hinterland, we collaborated with a major architectural firm to renovate a farm building into a space dedicated to selling and catering zero-mile products. The property wanted to optimize its space, dedicating some floors to the sale of agricultural products, cheeses and meats derived from its own production, and other floors to catering.
We created a special elevator shaft with cylindrical uprights and complementary structures, including mezzanines and coordinated stairs, to maximize space utilization and improve accessibility. The renovation has made the environment more welcoming and functional, improving both operational efficiency and customer appeal.

Our company was approached to carry out this ambitious project. From the first meeting with the property and architects, we understood the importance of a solution that combined functionality, aesthetics with recall to the agricultural context, and efficiency. In close cooperation with the contracted architectural firm and the construction company, we executed a preliminary design tailored to fit the specific needs of the building.

The elevator had to be capable of accommodating and transporting people and goods between the sales and dining floors, while also adding arrival on a mezzanine level intended for dining and placed in a scenic location. In addition to the complexity of implementation, there was a need to maintain an image that recalls the rural environment while meeting the regulations required for commercial and restaurant environments. After some technical and aesthetic evaluations, we developed a design that included an elevator shaft with cylindrical uprights and sinuously shaped stair and mezzanine structures with wand balustrades that recalled ancient types of construction in the rural environment.

The design process required close collaboration, with 3D drawings and renderings being submitted to enable simulated placements and correct interpretation of every detail. Every aspect was meticulously studied to respect the determined stylistic choice, from the type of connecting elements to the materials used, ensuring that all elements were not only functional but also distinctive and coordinated design elements that enriched the environment.

The complexity of the project resided in the integration of structures with different forms and types within an articulated context with specific aesthetic appeal. Using natural materials such as wood and painted metal in colors based on traditional peasant palettes, we were able to create a series of structures that respected the desired aesthetic while improving accessibility.

The installation of the structures began with the laying of load-bearing structures and verification of alignments. Load-bearing components, including support beams, stair ramps, and elevator shaft components, were transported and assembled on site using specialized cranes. Precision was critical to ensure the seamless integration of all these structures with the surrounding architecture.

The renovation made the environment very welcoming and functional, improving operational efficiency and attractiveness to customers, reflecting the will of the ownership that has been successfully operating in this field for generations. The implementation not only met the technical requirements, but added a touch of elegance and a rural flavor to the building. Visitors could move comfortably between floors, admiring the elevator’s seamless integration with the surrounding architecture.