High-Capacity Elevator Shaft

Project Classic in special execution

High-Capacity Elevator Shaft

‍Installation Location: Province of Treviso (Italy)
Status: Completed
Product: Project Classic in special execution

For this prestigious showroom, we made and installed our Project Classic elevator shaft in an oversized version. This high-end elevator offers exceptional carrying capacity, accommodating up to 27 people or a total load of 2050 kg. The elevator serves three floors with opposing landings, and blends harmoniously into its surroundings, ensuring not only maximum functionality but also a refined and modern aesthetic that perfectly matches the elegant context of the showroom. Careful attention has been paid to the choice of materials and finishes to provide a product that combines sturdiness and style, ensuring an experience characterized by exceptional scenic presence and functional use for all visitors.

Our company was approached to carry out this ambitious project. From the very first meeting, the need for a solution that combined functionality, high capacity and elegance was highlighted. In close cooperation with the contracted architectural firm and the construction company, we executed a custom preliminary design using the functional basis of our Project Classic, structurally adapted to specific needs.

The elevator was to be able to carry up to 27 people, with a total capacity of 2050 kg, and serve three floors with opposite landings. The challenge was not only technical, but also aesthetic: the elevator shaft had to integrate seamlessly with the luxurious environment of the showroom under construction. After some technical and aesthetic evaluations, our design was approved.

The implementation process required close collaboration, with 3D drawings and renderings being submitted to enable our client to correctly interpret every detail. Every aspect was meticulously studied, from the type of connecting elements to the materials used, to ensure that the elevator was not only functional but also a design element that enriched the environment.

For ease of transport and installation, all structural components are designed in a linear fashion. This choice allowed for easy transportation through the city’s narrow streets and efficient assembly on site.

Elevator installation began with preparation of the supporting structure and verification of alignments. The main components were transported and assembled on site using construction hoists. Precision was critical to ensure the elevator’s seamless integration with the surrounding architecture.

The final solution exceeded expectations: the elevator not only met the technical requirements, but added a touch of elegance to the showroom. Visitors could move comfortably between floors, admiring the elevator’s seamless integration with the surrounding architecture.

This project demonstrates the great potential for flexibility and integration of our Project Classic, as well as the ability to combine technology and design, providing tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. The showroom, with its new elevator shaft, is an excellent example of turning a practical need into a distinctive feature.